Essential Oils
My site
DISCLAIMER! the following information is my opinion, and things I personally have seen. I have not clinically studied these products, I just know what I see with myself and my children / husband. And don't ask me to prove or ask where I get my info. I read it somewhere and if you want to, you can research it yourself. I have read so much literature over the last couple of years and especially the last few months, I couldn't begin to tell you where exactly I read it.
What are essential oils? 

I have just recently started using the Young Living Essential Oils. You know, the oils from plants, Natural, the ones that God made. Don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for medication, and it is needed / used /  and heals, everyday! I just hate the thought of taking medication daily. Oh, a dose of Advil for a headache, a dose of Tylenol for the pain, a dose of that for this, and a dose of this for that. All of those are man made, and thus can have flaws and side effects.
I have been totally AMAZED at the little things that the oils have done in my life:
just a couple of examples
1. Lavender has helped my two year old relax through the night.
2. Valor has helped to reduce the noise level of my husband's sleeping at night.
3. Peppermint has helped with digestive issues, stress issues, and more
4. Several oils have helped to relieve my children's seasonal respiratory problems.
5. Pain-Away  and Deep Relief had helped with numerous aches and pains.
6. The NingXia Red has really increased my energy level and lifted my mood.
7. Frankincense has . . .  well, what hasn't it helped with :-).
8. Thieves has been added to all my cleaning supplies to keep us overall healthier, ( trying to do away with some chemicals in my home.)
The Reason I chose Young Living vs. some of the other lines:
1. Most ( at least a lot) of the store brands of oils are diluted with synthetic additives. For example, synthetic Lavender is added to Lavender oil and called 100% pure.
2. Young Living had what they refer to as Seed to Seal. The start the plants from a seed and oversee the entire process until the seal is put on the bottle.
3. Very reputable
 Anyway, I love the products thus far, and if you are interested or want more information. Feel free to contact me and I will share my experiences with you.

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