Sweet Dream Spray
I have three little ones, all under 8. So needless to say, there are some nights where one, or all three, are scared of the dark, the boogie man, shadows, the ceiling fan, not enough light, too much light - you name it, they get scared. Yes, I know fears can be real, BUT I also know that this has become a game. How can we stay up and not have to go to bed. . . . So I found this recipe for Sweet Dreams Spray, but I created a fun label and named it . . . Go Away Scary Stuff! Regardless of what they are scared of that night. . . be real, or made up to drive mommy crazy, we just spritz a few sprays, and all the Scary stuff is gone. No excuses. :-)
I want to make sure that I am using the BEST for my family, so I ONLY use Young Living Essential Oils. Seed to Seal guarantee. No pesticides, No herbicides, no fillers, no synthetics, Only 100% pure therapeutic grade Essential oils. Visit my website to learn more.
What you need:
4 oz. Trigger Spray Bottle
10-20 drops of Lavender EO ( or your favorite calming blend)
5 drops Thieves ( because I add thieves to everything, never can get rid of too many germs.)
Distilled Water
Add the oil to the bottle. Fill with Distilled Water. Spray.
Easy as that.
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