Thursday, February 25, 2016

Horses like oils too

Horse Lovers' Raindrop Technique 
Essential Oils for Horses

What?? Yes, Essential oils can be used on your horses and other pets.

Equine Raindrop Technique is a home remedies that uses a combination of essential oils and holistic remedies to bring harmony back to the horse's body.
From sore muscles after exercise to supporting healthy immune system, this technique can bring health and wellness back to the body.
The Raindrop Technique was developed by Gary Young, ND,  founder of Young Living Essential Oils.
What is Equine Raindrop Technique?
The Equine Raindrop Therapy was coined by Dr. Heather Mack, DVM is an advocate of the Raindrop therapy on horse, but really it is a Technique.

What are the Benefits of Equine Raindrop Technique?
The benefits of equine raindrop are the same as humans. But there are specific horse conditions that holistic vets have been using Raindrop for very successfully. Here are a few:emotional (horse emotions) and physical well being of the horse;
  • Helping with Emotional Stress
  • Sore Muscles
  • Complements other treatments such as  acupuncture and chiropractic treatment;
  • Immune system support
  • The  release toxins both physically and mentally
How is the Procedure Done?

Watch here

Want to Purchase a Raindrop Technique Kit?
Young Living's Raindrop Technique Kit comes with everything you need to start doing Raindrops!
The Raindrop Technique Kit comes with all of the oils needed to do a raindrop, vegetable oil and Ortho Ease Massage Oil. Plus a DVD demonstrating Raindrop on a person.
To purchase the kit go to this site!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

This Doesn't happen very often! Better Take advantage!!

Times almost up. . . If you have the desire to experience health and wellness, might want to look into essential oils. I did, and have not regretted it for a second. As a matter of fact, it's one of the best decisions I ever made for my family!
Message me or visit

Monday, February 22, 2016

Fast Food Essentail oils

Found this photo that was taken at a retail chain home store. I love that essential oils are getting to be  mainstream, but these oils are the Fast Food of oils. They will do for your body what Fast food "nutrition" does for your body - nothing good!
If you ARE interested in oils, please, please, please don't settle for "fast food oils." Don't buy oils from a company that has jumped on the bandwagon to make a profit by sourcing from brokers with chemical synthetics. Young Living has been passionately distilling their own oil and GROWING THEIR OWN PLANTS for over 20 years and the seed to seal process guarantees the purity that you and your kids deserve. ‪ For more information:

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Why do I choose to have Young Living in my life?

Why do I choose to use Young Living to enhance my families health and wellness?

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Kids Ready for school day recipe

5ml roller bottle ( I buy mine from Amazon)
Fractured Coconut Oil ( Need Fractured Oil so it will not solidify)
5 drops each:
Orange Essential oil
Peppermint Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
Vetiver Essential Oil
Thieves Essential Oil
Brain power Essential Oil

Put 5 drops of each of the essential oils in the roller bottle. Fill with Coconut Oil. Roll on the kids neck and down the spine just before School. Happy Kids = Happy Teachers

Monday, February 15, 2016

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

After about 1 1/2 years of using essential oils, I am still amazed at how much of an impact they have made on my family! Our health and wellness is dramatically better.  And when I say health, I don't just mean our physical health, being well/sick. I am also referring to OVERALL health. We are mentally healthier, physically healthier and spiritually healthier.
Spirituality has everything to do with wellness. God created the Heaven's and the Earth. God created the land and the water. God created the animals and the PLANTS. . . .
I thank God everyday for bring Essential Oils into my life and for their wonderful benefits.
I love knowing that I am treating my family with pure essential oils that have not been modified, I love knowing that I am using natural ingredients to clean and purify our home.
When I first started using oils to clean, My husband made the remark that it didn't "smell" clean. After a while, I went back to a store brand synthetic chemical cleaner. When he got home, first thing he said was "ugh what is that chemical smell?"
We have all grown up using chemicals to clean our homes and thus, that smell is what smells "clean" to us. After getting rid of the chemicals for a while, it become apparent that the "clean" smell is a "chemical" smell.